Software System

Oil and Gas Management (M) Sdn Bhd
Delivering Technology, Recommendations and Solutions
RBMI Software
The RBMI software application meets all of the requirements of the recommended practice of API 580 for Risk Based Inspection including inspection data management. Additionally, RBMI meets the requirements in the latest editions of API Standards 510 and 570.
A fully integrated software package manages all of the steps of a risk-based inspection and maintenance program. It includes a database to capture a full compliment of data specific to each type of equipment and an integrated calculator that assesses the probability of consequence of failure (criticality) for each equipment item. The inspection Planner automatically generates inspection recommendations, from which the user can quickly and consistently create inspection plans. RBMI technology has been developed for all equipment types.
FIT1 Fitness for Service Calculator
Based on API-579 Level 1 methodology, this software provides a user friendly, comprehensive solution to evaluate five different types of damage for pressure vessels, piping and storage tanks. It is designed to be used by an inspector or engineer to assess in-service equipment that no longer meets original design criteria yet often can be operated safely without expensive repairs or replacement. The results, presented as pass/fail, include a summary of data and calculations